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01/09/24 12:08 PM #291    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

Sorry to hear about yout mom, Keith. My mother is still with us (93) thankfully but almost died last December. We get so used to them "hanging on" till we (or at least I) feel like they are invincible. I have to echo what Dale said about our moms being so special.. Sorry for your loss.

01/09/24 06:04 PM #292    


Keith Gilligan

Thanks Vanessa

She was 90

01/10/24 01:04 PM #293    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

thanks for the warning

01/11/24 06:44 PM #294    


Keith Gilligan

Thanks Danny , Good thing I don't eat Girl Scout cookies

01/21/24 07:08 PM #295    


Keith Gilligan

Sure Danny . If you want to do the Birthdays great 

01/22/24 06:27 PM #296    


Hope Hewitt (Ballou)

Sorry to hear of your mom passing away. You will find yourself remembering your mom, her smile, her laughter and even her reprimanding the kids when misbehaving at different times. Just smile and feel her love, that always works for me.

02/03/24 03:37 PM #297    


Sharon/Sherry Hiter (Neble)

Danny add: Roseann Bennett & Karen Rozelle 

to your lis. 

02/04/24 11:27 AM #298    


Hope Hewitt (Ballou)

Dan, I spoke with J Moss, she lives in Kingsbury.

02/05/24 07:55 PM #299    


Keith Gilligan

Karen Rozelle lives in Gansevoort 

Her name now is Karen Rozelle Morgan 

02/28/24 11:09 AM #300    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

Thanks Danny!

05/29/24 07:42 AM #301    


Ellen Donohue (Marcantonio)

  Dan  I knew both   I knew hummers sister as well  it was sad to hear of Darlene's passing  



05/29/24 07:47 AM #302    


Ellen Donohue (Marcantonio)

sorry Dan it must have been  a spell check when I wrote Jimmer 

05/29/24 09:13 AM #303    

Donna Winslow (Winslow-Bialozor)

Hello Danny, I did see that Jim Limmer and Darlene Smith passed away. May they Rest in Peace.

05/29/24 01:17 PM #304    


Kevin Chamberlain

I knew Jimmy but only through Skip. So sad about Darlene! If you haven't seen it, her obituary is available on the In Memoriam page.

06/24/24 08:52 AM #305    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

I am working on a plan to bring my grandchildren back home next summer-  thinking some time mid to late July.  Does anyone have an interest in getting together while I'm there?  I know we had talked about maybe doing a weekend kind of thing- picnic, whatever.   Figured it couldn't hurt to ask :)


06/25/24 02:37 PM #306    


Kevin Chamberlain

Count Vanessa and me in! 

06/25/24 08:00 PM #307    


Keith Gilligan

It's possible 

06/26/24 12:27 PM #308    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

Good deal!  At this point, let's aim towards next July.  We will keep it simple- just enjoy each other's company:)

06/26/24 03:42 PM #309    


Kevin Chamberlain

Craig and I talked a bit. A bring-your-own picnic and/or potluck? We would just need a date and location. The rec? Moreau State Park? Minimal cost and planning!

06/27/24 08:22 AM #310    

Donna Winslow (Winslow-Bialozor)

Hello Alum, I'd like to participate in an informal get together in July 2025. I'll see if my sister would be interested as well.

06/27/24 11:11 AM #311    


Kevin Chamberlain

According to the town website, reserving a pavilion is $50 for town taxpayers.  If a classmate in town can reserve one, Vanessa and I will at least chip in. @Natalie,  you were the instigater here: do you want to suggest a date?

06/27/24 11:13 AM #312    


Kevin Chamberlain

P.S. I'm not suggesting we can't plan something else, too, like Danny's suggestion of a boat ride!

06/27/24 02:49 PM #313    


Hope Hewitt (Ballou)

I would love to attend a picnic next July. Potluck may be the way to go. Everybody brings camp chairs and we can all visit (without masks).

06/27/24 09:22 PM #314    


Keith Gilligan

I'm a Moreau Tax payer so that's not a problem if that's what's decided

06/28/24 12:12 PM #315    


John Joseph

Karen and I would come . Potluck, picnic, boatride. All sounds good. I'm also a town resident.

Danny,can we make up? You are my friend.

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