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11/09/23 01:38 PM #266    


Richard Carruthers

Thanks Danny, I'm still going strong ‼️

11/12/23 08:55 PM #267    

Danny Crossman

DAM   CANT  PEOPLE  WRITE  BACK  it just PO  ME???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

11/13/23 08:00 PM #268    


Keith Gilligan

Who isn't writing back to you Danny ?

11/15/23 09:35 PM #269    


Cheryl Bodkin (Briggs)

I'm in!

11/23/23 03:58 AM #270    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

I think the rec.might be a good place to do a potluck and a boatride the same weekend - I'm in favor of somewhere we could have a bonfire as a change - I know nothing in the area. I think we should weigh in if one weekend is preferable and make a decision this summer after looking at places to hold it so.people have a year to plan. And I think we should look for a place that is cheap .Any weekend in the summer is fine for us  .Is there anything at Moreau Lake?

12/06/23 01:31 PM #271    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

Haven't forgotten everyone-  just have had a lot of things going on personally and with my family....

12/07/23 07:05 AM #272    

Donna Winslow (Winslow-Bialozor)

Ditto what Natalie said. it's a very busy time of year. Lots of family stuff.  Hope everybody's holidays are filled with joy! smiley


12/07/23 04:25 PM #273    


Kevin Costello

I'm with Donna, Happy Holidays to all. Can't wait to spend time with the Grands! I'm cooking Christmas dinner for my daughter and family! 

12/07/23 05:32 PM #274    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

I agree I think we are all probably busy now & that's why people are putting communications on hold. Should we just put things off until spring/summer and we can start to consider/discuss when and where to hold something the summer of '25 then    Happy Holidays to all!                                                                                                                       Vanessa

12/08/23 01:08 PM #275    


Susan Measeck (Estabrook)

Hopefully I can make the next get together. I will keep checking our page for updates!!
Merry Christmas to all, hope your holidays are filled with family, fun and joy.

12/10/23 04:58 PM #276    


Hope Hewitt (Ballou)

Happy holidays everyone. It is a very busy time of year, things will slow down a couple weeks after the new year. A cruise sounds nice. We can ask everyone to check in here if they would be interested. Moreau rec sounds like a great place for a pot luck picnic in the summertime. But why don't we wait til next year sometime to plan. Sound good?

12/11/23 02:41 PM #277    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

Happy Birthday to the other Christmas babies - Bill, Ellen and Darlene and Happy Holidays to everyone

12/18/23 11:32 AM #278    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

Hi Danny - If at least 10 of us chip in $5/ each that would cover it then we could do pot luck or something we could figure out later. I think that would be reasonable. Are you close by you could look at the pavillions and pick the one you think would be best and we can figure out a date in the summer 0f 2025 so people know ahead of time. Again, I think we should wait until after the holidays to see if anybody weighs in about a good date because nobody is checking this site now.   Vanessa

12/23/23 11:00 AM #279    

Constance Hume (Bondzinski)

Merry Christmas to everyone!   Wishing you all a blessed New Year!  heart  Connie and Peter

12/25/23 11:01 AM #280    


Frank Palmer

Thank you Connie and Pete!  Merry Christmas to you both and to all of our classmates!  I wish everyone a healthy and Happy New Year as well!

12/26/23 10:14 AM #281    

Donna Winslow (Winslow-Bialozor)

Happy Holiday wishes to all. May the New Year bring love, joy, peace and prosperity to all.

01/01/24 08:15 PM #282    


Keith Gilligan

No New Years resolution Danny . Just praying that it's a better year than 2023. God Bless buddy

01/02/24 04:31 PM #283    

Donna Winslow (Winslow-Bialozor)

Happy New Year to everyone. May 2024 bring happiness and health to all.

01/06/24 05:33 PM #284    


John Joseph

To Danny and all my other classmates

I have a business and I'm the treasurer for my church,and I'm new to media like cell phones and computers. I'm sorry to not be able or willing to answer you at every whim of yours. I am looking forward to seeing you soon , but am not going to respond to every text.,



01/06/24 05:34 PM #285    


John Joseph

I'm sorry to hear about Mrs. Gilligan.

01/06/24 07:09 PM #286    


Keith Gilligan

Thanks John

01/07/24 02:45 PM #287    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

So sorry for your loss...

01/07/24 06:44 PM #288    


Craig Pratt

Danny Crossman,
Why Do you keep getting so angry.
Lots of people don't look at there e mail every 5 minutes . I hardly look at this site. Maybe a few times a month th

01/08/24 06:54 PM #289    


Keith Gilligan

Thanks Natalie

01/08/24 09:10 PM #290    


Dale Clark (Hager)

Keith...I'm so very to hear of your Mom's passing. Our Moms are so special. Dale

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