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06/27/24 08:22 AM #310    

Donna Winslow (Bialozor)

Hello Alum, I'd like to participate in an informal get together in July 2025. I'll see if my sister would be interested as well.

06/27/24 11:11 AM #311    


Kevin Chamberlain

According to the town website, reserving a pavilion is $50 for town taxpayers.  If a classmate in town can reserve one, Vanessa and I will at least chip in. @Natalie,  you were the instigater here: do you want to suggest a date?

06/27/24 11:13 AM #312    


Kevin Chamberlain

P.S. I'm not suggesting we can't plan something else, too, like Danny's suggestion of a boat ride!

06/27/24 02:49 PM #313    


Hope Hewitt (Ballou)

I would love to attend a picnic next July. Potluck may be the way to go. Everybody brings camp chairs and we can all visit (without masks).

06/27/24 09:22 PM #314    


Keith Gilligan

I'm a Moreau Tax payer so that's not a problem if that's what's decided

06/28/24 12:12 PM #315    


John Joseph

Karen and I would come . Potluck, picnic, boatride. All sounds good. I'm also a town resident.

Danny,can we make up? You are my friend.

06/30/24 02:48 PM #316    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

I am looking at the last weekend in July next year 

07/01/24 02:19 PM #317    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

Sounds good to us - I am mot doiing as well as I was in October and we have new commitments so we aren't  going to try to be active in trying to organize this - so if someone who lives in the district can select and reserve one of the shelters, I'm sure there would be enough of us who would send them $5 - $10 for its use to reimburse him or her and then we can figure out other parts of the weekend from there - 

Natalie is that date (last weekend in July) definite so we can go with it?

Danny - Could you get all the info together on the cruise?


07/02/24 05:35 PM #318    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)


Vanessa,  Yes, that's when I am planning on coming.           Danny, A back up plan is a great idea for the picnic.  I also like the idea of another cruise.



07/02/24 05:39 PM #319    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

John and Keith both mentioned that they are residents, so one of them would be able to get a reservation for the picnic.  Then we can chip in to reimburse them 

07/03/24 08:56 AM #320    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

Danny is looking into the boat ride-  times, cost, length of time, etc.        We know we will have a picnic/potluck.   Maybe a breakfast again?  Informal get together at Humbug's?   Just easy things that won't take a lot of planning or effort to accomplish .    Like before, people can pick and choose what strikes their fancy.


07/03/24 03:27 PM #321    


John Joseph

i would be happy to donate the permit fee and pick it up once i get a date confirmed (providing it is available)

kegger anyone? just kidding.

07/03/24 09:59 PM #322    


Craig Pratt

I am still working at Golden Corral in Queensbury. If anyone is interested in doing breakfast there I am sure I can get the party room there. Just let me know

07/05/24 12:25 AM #323    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)



This is getting exciting!   I really appreciate you guys stepping up!          Danny-  are the boat rides available on Saturday and Sunday?   I kind of like having the boat ride on Sunday like we did last October.   Thoughts anyone?          Could we do breakfast at the Golden Corral Saturday morning, with the picnic later in the afternoon ?        


07/06/24 10:51 AM #324    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

What does everyone think?                                       Friday evening at Humbug's.  Saturday morning breakfast at Golden Corral.  Potluck picnic Saturday afternoon into the evening.  Cruise on Sunday.                         Simple, not too expensive, and easy to plan and pull off 

07/06/24 02:33 PM #325    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

We had brunch last week at Golden Corral and Kevin commented again on the variety of food and how good it all was - great value for the cost. Also went to the splash pad area of the rec with 2 of our grandsons (age 7 and 3 1/2) and they had a ball there. I think both sites would be good options.   Vanessa

07/06/24 03:28 PM #326    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

Either 1 1/2 - 2 hour cruises would be good.  6 hours is too long for me.

07/07/24 09:46 AM #327    

Donna Winslow (Bialozor)

Friday night Humbugs, Saturday morning breakfast at the Golden Corral, Saturday afternoon Moreau, and  Sunday cruise (1-2 hours). Sounds great to me!

07/08/24 02:58 PM #328    


Hope Hewitt (Ballou)

I agree with Donna. Very informal, either place is great. My preference is Moreau rec, easier parking, may be less crowded than the beach and lots to do at the rec. Just bring a chair and some food and drinks and that's it. I think we would all chip in for pavilion fee.

07/11/24 09:51 AM #329    

Donna Winslow (Bialozor)

Hi Danny, Does the trolley from Glens Falls go near the boat launch for the cruise?

07/12/24 06:46 PM #330    


Keith Gilligan

Donna ,

I am pretty sure the Trolley does go to Lake George and down Beach st

07/22/24 10:00 AM #331    

Natalie VanGuilder (Hoeppner)

Why am I not seeing Danny's messages?

07/24/24 07:24 PM #332    


Keith Gilligan

Natalie ,

Even though I get a notice that Danny posted a message many times when I open up the forum there is no message from Danny . Not sure why but it has been going on for awhile

07/24/24 07:54 PM #333    

Vanessa Carter (Chamberlain)

Nat and Keith - I'll let Kevin know your messages and address it for you as soon as he gets a chance.

07/25/24 07:28 PM #334    


Keith Gilligan

Thanks Vanessa

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