Sharon/Sherry Hiter (Neble)
I sent a private message to Regina & didn't get a reply either. It is disappointing to spend time trying find & then notify a classmate & when you don't hear anything back , it does leave you not knowing ? I hope that all is well with their health & their family & then I assume they don't want to reply for some unknown reason . ( not sure why they are registered on this site ?)
re how often someone gets messages: I think it depends on how the person set-up notifications on this web site, you can be notified anytime someone sends a message or not. ( Kevin would know better)
I did hear back from Tobi Irwin, who said she couldn't make it Sat night & I suggested other reunion events Fri, but sadly she can't make it. Janet Orsini responded she isn't sure. Kathleen Mound is not coming to dinner but is coming to breakfast. I heard from Tim Bishop & Dan Villa & hoped they would each come but guess not ?Roger would have come but has family conflict, I heard from Bob Knapp & he isn't coming ( he said Bonnie Lawrence knows about this reunion web site ) i reached out to Debbie Wheeler, Ralph Ball and others who were on but haven't heard back?
i never found Patrick O'leary or Roseanne Bennett or Jeff Broulette ??
I also have not heard back from many including John Izzo & Marilyn Dick.